A spooky Halloween greeting from us all at Roger Hyde Limited from our base in the middle of the Suffolk countryside.

It has been a busy few months for the team over the summer, and we are still recovering (with the aid of lots of chocolate digestives). Here is a breakdown of what we have done over the last few months:
We employed three new staff members to the team: Matt our Contracts Manager; Rose our Customer Services and Marketing Assistant; and Mark our Project Coordinator – our team is steadily growing and if you have been in contact with us recently you will more than likely have spoken to one or all of them. Click to see our full team page here.
We completed 58 maintenance projects which include, sand and seals, scrub and seals, repairs and court markings:
34% were in London
34% were in East Anglia
26% were in South East England
4% were in the Midlands
With the remaining 2% of the maintenance projects taking place in Wales
We completed 8 installation projects, to include: Antique Pine, European Oak Strip, Brazilian Cherry (Ipe), Dinesen Douglas fir, as well as Vinyl installations.
75% of our installations took place in London with the other 25% taking place in St. Albans and Surrey.
We made almost 100 site visits
We made over 1,300 courtesy calls
We created our first ever time-lapse film of an installation at the Alban Arena in St. Albans, which you can view on Youtube via this link.
We had team after works drinks
We had 12 visits to Paddy and Scotts café for coffee
And…we ate too much cake to mention without us feeling guilty!
We have many more exciting projects that we are currently working on, and that are up and coming in the future. These include: a large Dinesen project in Edinburgh; a spruce up of a Dinesen kitchen at a prestigious stately home in Suffolk; the maintenance of a 3 floor office building for a big marketing company in London; plus almost 50 other maintenance projects from now until January. Please keep your eyes peeled on our social media pages for real time posts of our projects and when new portfolio items are live on the website.
Roger Hyde Limited, a specialist flooring company based in Suffolk, with over 40 years’ experience in installing, maintaining and repairing floors across the UK.
If you want to keep up to date with our blogs and portfolio updates, follow us on social media via the links below, or email us on info@rogerhyde.co.uk and ask to be added to the mailing list.
Twitter: @rogerhydeltd
Facebook: /RogerHydeLimited
Instagram: @rogerhydelimited
Google+: /RogerHydeLimitedHadleigh